
Fraudulent Payment Scams & Loss - A Litigator’s Guide

Fraudulent Payment Scams & Loss - A Litigator’s Guide

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Intermediate: Requires some prior subject knowledge
1.25 hours
Access for entire organisation


Fraudulent payment scams come in a variety of forms and are becoming commonplace at both consumer and corporate level.

This webinar will consider who is legally responsible for the loss which follows from such frauds, and how the victim might seek to recover from their counterparty or various third parties.

What You Will Learn

This webinar will cover the following:

  • Which party to a contract may be responsible when a payment is diverted, and in what circumstances can a party seek to push liability onto their counterparty?
  • What impact does the involvement of agents have when payments are diverted?
  • In any fraudulent payment scam, can the party who bears the loss seek to recover that loss from third parties - including agents, banks, or the sources of leaked data?

This webinar was recorded on 14th May 2020

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